Thursday, September 16, 2010

Spread the Loveeee!!!

So, the question people are starting to ask me is, why am i even starting this blog? Well, here's the deal, The Matrix Hair Company is having a contest called, " Spread the Love", They are picking 6 cosmetology students from across the US to have the journey of a lifetime. If Chosen you will travel the United States for 6 months attending hair shows and visiting top styists in their salons, also the chosen 6 will be mentored by top Matrix Designers. Basically amazing rightt! Oh did i mention they will also give the winners, a new laptop, digital camera and smart phone!! But to get chosen, you must Blog, and be involved with social networks like facebook and twitter!! This all comes into play because over these 6 months that you are traveling you will have to blog, tweet and facebook about the experiences youre having! So basically me being on facebook 23 hours out of the day will be totally acceptable for this contest! (:

So all in all, PLEASE follow my blog, facebook and twitter and wish me luck!!

ps here's the "Spread the Love" websitee checkkk it outt!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It Was One of Those Days...

 “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. ~Plato "
Growing up, I have heard that quote over and over again. It isn't until I actually lived it, that I understood the meaning of it.
    For me, this quote came to life one day at the Altoona Beauty School, my Cosmetology school. All morning I had heard the clients complain about their problems, serious and not so serious, but I just sat there listening because I know that if I’m going to be in this profession I need to listen to my clients. For some reason though, this day was worse then most, have you ever had one of those days where you just wanna crawl back to bed…well it was one of those days, I didn't feel well, my hair was out of place, my clothes weren't right, I just wanted to go home!  I went up to the front desk to see what my last client was getting done that day and I was relived to see it was only a wig fitting, so I thought to myself ‘Thank the Lord!’ I was so glad because it would be easy and quick and then my day would be over finally.
   As the shop door open, three women walked through the door; I saw an elderly woman and two other women that were with her. The older woman was wearing a bright pink Steelers ball cap, with pure white hair poking out from underneath, instantly I wanted to cry, because I knew that if she was coming in for a wig fitting she was more than likely sick. As soon as I got the go ahead, with tears in my eyes I grabbed my cape and went to welcome her, as I approached her and called her name, she had the biggest smile on her face.  I walked back with her to my station and I asked how she was doing, and she replied, "well, I'm here so that's pretty good" followed by a slight laugh. I was already slightly nervous because when it comes to a wig fitting, I never know how to handle it. Obviously when the clients come from the American Cancer society they usually are going through a rough time in their life, and I am a true 'softy' as people call me, because I get emotional when I see someone fighting such a hard battle, but in a situation like this, they are my client and I need to make them feel as comfortable as I can, so fighting back mixed emotion tears I asked Iva what kind of wig she was looking for.
    Carol, the lead instructor is 100x more experienced in situations like this, so with her help we figured out what Iva wanted. I was still upsett from the morning I had, as soon as Carol grabbed my brush and brushed through Ivas' hair, I instantly melted. She was loosing her hair rapidly, just getting it brushed. Tears overwhelmed my eyes but I knew I couldn't cry we were only just starting. We got a wig that looked most like her natural hair color, and Carol was cutting it to look like the style she usually wears.
   Once we got a style that suited Iva, and her 2 daughters she brought along with her Carol asked what she was planning on doing with the hair that as remaining, Iva quickly stated, " Shave it off!” and Carol just simply replied, "sounds good!” Carol kept asking Iva about her treatments she was going through. I stood there watching Iva, talking to Carol, who herself went through these treatments at one point in her life, she said that her hair grew back super curly, Ivas' face lit up with hope that hers would do the same. It was although Carol gave her some kind of encouragement, that no one else could give her without having gone through it themselves.
    After the service was over, Carol talked with Iva, about how she could wear a scarf around her head, if she's just at home and doesn't want to wear her wig all the time. As Carol put it on her, her smile appeared back on her face. This scarf gave her another option other than to wear the wig. As Iva hoped out of the chair with wig in hand, I noticed more pep in her step, and more confidence then when she came in the door. As she walked out the door I went immediately to clean up her hair and go in the back. As soon as I hit the back room, tears fell down my face. How could someone going through such a hard time in their life, carry themselves with such confidence and poise? Heck I cried earlier cause my hair didn’t fall the right way, and this woman lost all her hair just from us brushing it.
     Its moments like that, you have to realize how lucky you are, and that you should “ be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” ( Plato) This day made me realize how much I’m going to love being in the cosmetology field, and being able to help people. I was inspired how Carol interacted with this client that truly needed someone to help her with one of the hardest times in her life, and Carol was that “friend” for her.  I hope one day, I can be that friend to someone.