Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Beauty Classic- Ohio Hair Show 2010!!

Well, this past weekend i went to my first Hair Show and it was AMAZING!!!! It was right in Columbus, Ohio and it was HUGE! 5am Sunday morning me and 21 others, all got on a bus and traveled right to the hairshow! As soon as you walked down the steps on the left there were 2 different entrances about 15 yards away from one another, if you entered into those they branched off to about 4-5 different classrooms. In the classrooms you attended all differen't kinds of classes, those being, high lighting, updos, dry cutting, and tons more. Now, on the left of the steps you walked into another entrance, there it just opened you to a HUGE room, where it was just rows and rows of differen't products, companies and tons and tons of PEOPLE!!! this is what i first saw when i walked in.....

overwhelming right? Totally way better than what i expected! And that is just one out of the 6 rows of poducts, people, and vendors! As you walked around, different companies were handing out samples of their products.
Not only were they handing their products out but different companies like Paul Mitchell, Keratin Complex and Matrix, they all had their big booths with supplies and products you could buy, but they also had stages where they did demonstrations and showed off new cuts, new colors or simply just their style. Of course with "Spread the Love" in mind, i made sure we made a stop at the Matrix Stage.

At some of the stages the stylists worked on their own models, or some of them did pull people out of the audience to cut, color, or updo their hair! Of course we all were eager to get up on stage and get some new hair cuts , oh and getting close to hottie stylist-Martino isnt too bad either(: The Company "Keratin Complex" that Martino works for, has this new smoothing line. It's a treatment that takes about 2 hours for the entire thing. It smoothes your hair if it's damanged and makes it feel like brand new. Lucky Jamie got to try it out! (: Martino's salon is in Jersey, and thats about the only place i've heard that does the Keratin Complex Treatment. Buttt at the Altoona Beauty School, Paul Mitchell Came out with a New Awapuii treatment,that is Very Similar and it puts protiens back in your hair! It's Fabulouss, it's a MUST TRY!!!!
At the hair show, not only did they show you what you usually do in Salons, like color, cuts, updos, they show you the impossible, like fantasy hair and that in this field there is NO limits to what you can do-
After 2 days full of meeting awesome people, learning differen't styles, and techniques i was SO sad to come home. While there, i've learned there is no limit as to what you can do in the cosmetology field. If you have the passion for it then you can do the impossible! I know this wont be my last Hair Showwww, New York 2011?!! CANT WAITTTTTTT (:


  1. Jenna, this was amazing, im so happy for you.. it looked like you had an amazing time <3 you

  2. I love the pictures! I think that we all had a great time!
